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  • Book
    Suresh Kumar Gahlawat [and others], editors.
    Summary: This book explores the recent advancements in cutting-edge techniques and applications of Biotechnology. It provides an overview of prospects and applications while emphasizing modern, and emerging areas of Biotechnology. The chapters are dedicated to various field of Biotechnology including, genome editing, probiotics, in-silico drug designing, nanoparticles and its applications, molecular diagnostics, tissue engineering, cryopreservation, and antioxidants. It is useful for both academicians and researchers in the various disciplines of life sciences, agricultural sciences, medicine, and Biotechnology in Universities, Research Institutions, and Biotech companies. This book provides the readers with a comprehensive knowledge of topics in Genomics, Bionanotechnology, Drug Designing, Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Food and Environmental Biotechnology. The chapters have been written with special reference to the latest developments in the frontier areas of Biotechnology that impacts the Biotech industries.

    Module 1. Genomics
    Module 2. Bionanotechnology and Drug Designing
    Module 3. Biotechnology in Diagnostics & Therapeutics.
    Module 4. Food and Environmental Biotechnology
    Module 5. Biotechnological Techniques.
    Digital Access Springer 2018