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  • Book
    [edited by] Adriana Tiziani.
    Summary: This text can be used in conjunction with Havard's Nursing Guide to Drugs 9th edition as part of the suite of resources for undergraduate and Diploma of nursing students. Each case starts with an introduction, where the presenting condition and symptoms are outlined and as the case progresses, more details of the patient's condition, tests, medications and other considerations are provided. All cases come together with a conclusion where the patient outcomes are highlighted, followed by a discussion of the key considerations for the case. Multiple Choice Questions are integrated throughout and rationales are provided for all answers. This is perfect for use during exam preparation or as a study tool, providing an engaging approach to learning and revision.

    Case studies
    General adult. Diabetes ; Epilepsy ; Gastrointestinal bleed ; Anticoagulation
    General paediatric. Managing acute asthma ; Management of a child with gastroenteritis ; Management of a neonate with bacterial meningitis ; Management of a child with a urinary tract infection (UTI)
    Aged care. Medication administration for the older person within a residential aged care facility ; Medication administration for the older person in the community ; Medication and the older person with dementia ; Medication administration for the older person admitted to the acute care environment
    Palliative care. Managing complex pain using opioids and adjuvant medications ; Managing breathlessness and associated anxiety ; Polypharmacy and end of life issues ; Symptom management at end of life
    Midwifery. Induction of labour and group B streptococcus (GBS) ; Elective lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) ; Threatened preterm labour and urinary tract infections (UTIs) ; Iron deficiency anaemia.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey Nursing 2016