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  • Book
    Sandro C. Esteves, Chak-Lam Cho, Ahmad Majzoub, Ashok Agarwal, editors.
    Summary: This unique textbook - the first of its kind - presents a thoughtful and comprehensive discussion of the significance of varicocele and its impact on male fertility. This hot topic is covered from a multitude of angles in seven thematic sections: origin and pathophysiology, clinical evaluation, medical and surgical therapy, controversies, pro and con debates, and clinical case scenarios. The scope of varicocele includes basic and transitional research, genetics, diagnostic testing with conventional and advanced molecular biology approaches, hormonal control, interventional therapy and assisted reproductive technology (ART). Repair of varicocele, which can be carried out by various methods, not only alleviates oxidative stress-associated infertility but also prevents and protects against the progressive character of varicocele and its consequent upregulations of systemic oxidative stress. Even with the advances in the understanding of this intriguing disease and consensus on some areas such as diagnosis and pathophysiology, substantial controversy still exists, in particular concerning the benefits of treatment and to whom treatment should be offered. Additional chapters discuss, in depth, such controversies surrounding the role of varicocele in male infertility and present clinical case scenarios dealing with management of subclinical and clinical varicocele. A series of editorial comments is provided by the editors at the end of selected chapters, containing an objective and concise summary of the information from each chapter. In addition, chapters open up with key points for quick references and conclude with multiple choice questions and answers for immediate review and retention of the rich content. Generously illustrated, Varicocele and Male Infertility: A Complete Guide represents an invaluable tool for medical students in reproductive medicine as well as researchers and clinicians working in the field of infertility (e.g., urologists, gynecologists, re productive endocrinologists, and embryologists) and is comprised of chapters written by leading and internationally recognized clinicians and scientists with expertise in varicocele, skillfully edited by leaders in the field.

    Adult varicocele diagnosis and treatment
    Pediatric and adolescent varicocele diagnosis and treatment
    Sperm DNA fragmentation testing and varicocele
    Grade of evidence on varicocele treatment
    A 'Strengths-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis of varicocele-related infertility and its diagnosis and management le
    Is varicocele a bilateral disease?- Why is subclinical varicocele considered a different entity?- Why is it that not all men with varicocele are infertile?- Is there a role for testicular biopsy in men with varicocele?- Should bilateral varicocele repair be recommended in cases of a clinical varicocele and contralateral subclinical varicocele?- Is there any role for intraoperative ultrasound during varicocele repair?- Is there any role for indocyanine green angiography in testicular artery preservation during microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy?- Should a varicocele be repaired before assisted reproductive technology treatment?- Should a varicocele be repaired in non-infertile patients with hypogonadism?- What should be the ideal control group in clinical trials investigating the role of varicocele and its treatment on fertility outcomes?- Part V: Debate (Pro and Con) over Varicocele
    Should SDF testing be used in men with varicocele?- Should varicocele be repaired before ART?- Should varicocele be repaired in azoospermic infertile men?- Should varicocele be managed surgically or radiographically?- Part VI: Clinical Case Scenarios Involving Varicocele
    Grade 1 varicocele and borderline/normal conventional semen analysis
    Grades 2/3 varicocele and normal conventional semen analysis
    Clinical varicocele and severely abnormal semen analysis in a couple considering ART whose female partner is over 36 years old
    Asymptomatic male with left grade 3 varicocele and 2 children desiring vasectomy with low testosterone
    Symptomatic male with subclinical varicocele found on ultrasound evaluation
    Recurrent grade 2/3 varicocele after microsurgical varicocelectomy and abnormal semen parameters in a couple attempting conception for>3 years
    Grade 2/3 varicocele in a 15-year-old healthy boy with normal testis volume (and normal semen analysis) with a history of varicocele and infertility in his father
    Part VII: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Varico.
    Digital Access Springer 2019