BookEugene C. Toy; Mark D. Hormann; Robert J. Yetman; Margaret C. McNeese; Sheela L. Lahoti; Mark Jason Sanders; Abby M. Geltemeyer.
Summary: Sixty high-yield pediatrics cases helps students sharpen their diagnostic and problem-solving skills. Case Files Pediatrics teaches students how to improve their diagnostic and problem-solving skills as they work through sixty high-yield clinical cases. Each case includes a complete discussion, clinical pearls, references, and USMLE-style review questions with answers. The fifth edition has been updated to include a new Case Correlations feature which highlights differential diagnosis and related cases in the book.
How to Approach Clinical Problems
Part 1 Approach to the Patient
Part 2 Approach to Clinical Problem Solving
Part 3 Approach to Reading
Section II Listing of Cases
Listing by Case Number
Listing by Disorder (Alphabetical)
Section III Clinical Cases
Sixty Case Scenarios
Section IV Review Questions