BookSanziana A. Roman, Julie Ann Sosa, Carmen C. Solórzano, editors.
Incidence and Epidemiology
The Clinically Detected and Palpable Thyroid Nodule
Ultrasound of the Thyroid and Soft Tissues of the Neck
Thyroid Nodule Biopsy
The Bethesda System of Reporting Cytopathology (BSRTC)
Utility of Non-Ultrasound Imaging for the Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules and Cancer
Surveillance of Benign Thyroid Nodules
Role of Medical Management
Role of Surgery
Surgical Intervention for Indeterminate Nodules
Importance of Surgeon Experience in the Surgical Management of Thyroid Cancer
The pediatric thyroid nodule and Papillary Thyroid Cancer Management
Surgical Management of Low Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer
Management of the Central Neck Lymph Nodes: Prophylactic Central Lymph Node Dissection vs. Therapeutic
Management of the Persistent and Recurrent PTC Lymph Node Metastases
Management of Thyroid Nodules and Cancer in the Pregnant Patient
Perioperative Management of the Voice and Calcium
Initial Treatment/Ablation Based on Risk Stratification
Treatment of Recurrent/Metastatic Thyroid Cancer with RAI
Surveillance of Treated Thyroid Cancer Patients and Thyroid Hormone Replacement and Suppression
Holistic and Integrative Approaches to Patients Undergoing Thyroid Surgery
Follicular and Hurthle Cell Carcinoma
Locally Advanced Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: What Are the Surgical Treatment Options?
External Beam Radiation for Locally Advanced and Metastatic Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Systemic Therapy for Advanced Metastatic Thyroid Cancer.