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  • Book
    Jerry A. Shields, Carol L. Shields.
    Congenital uveal lesions
    Melanocytic tumors of iris stroma
    Conditions that simulate iris melanoma
    Iris cysts
    Choroidal nevus
    Melanocytoma of the optic disc and posterior uvea
    Posterior uveal melanoma : clinical features
    Posterior uveal melanoma : pathology
    Posterior uveal melanoma : diagnostic approaches
    Posterior uveal melanoma : management
    Non-neoplastic conditions that can simulate posterior uveal melanoma
    Metastatic tumors to the uvea, retina, and optic disc
    Vascular tumors and malformations of the uvea
    Osseous, myogenic, neurogenic, fibrous, and histiocytic tumors of the uvea
    Retinoblastoma : introduction, genetics, clinical features, classification
    Retinoblastoma : diagnostic approaches
    Retinoblastoma : pathology
    Management of retinoblastoma
    Lesions that can simulate retinoblastoma
    Vascular tumors of the retina and optic disc
    Glial tumors of the retina and optic disc
    Tumors and related lesions of the pigment epithelium
    Tumors of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium
    Intraocular lymphoid tumors and leukemias
    Surgical management of intraocular tumors.
    Digital Access Ovid 2016