Bookedited by Dr. Yusuke Hiraku, Dr. Shosuke Kawanishi, Dr. Hiroshi Ohshima.
Infection, inflammation, and cancer: overview / Hiroshi Ohshima, Noriyuki Miyoshi, and Susumu Tomono
Stem cell theory and inflammation-related cancer / Toshihiko Tanno and William Matsui
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition: a link between cancer and inflammation / Jonas Fuxe and Mikael C.I. Karlsson
Role of nitrative DNA damage in inflammation-related carcinogenesis / Yusuke Hiraku and Shosuke Kawanishi
Lipid peroxidation-derived DNA adducts and the role in inflammation-related carcinogenesis / Helmut Bartsch and Urmila Jagadeesan Nair
Level of inflammation-related DNA adducts in human tissues / Tomonari Matsuda, Pei-Hsin Chou, and Haruhiko Sugimura
Toll-like receptors: role in inflammation and cancer / Sarang Tartey and Osamu Takeuchi
Inflammasomes and inflammation / Kaiwen W. Chen, Ayanthi A. Richards, Alina Zamoshnikova, and Kate Schroder
Activation-induced cytidine deaminase: an intrinsic genome modulator in inflammation-associated cancer development / Hiroyuki Marusawa and Tsutomu Chiba
MicroRNA and inflammation-related cancer / Zhaojian Gong, Zhaoyang Zeng, Pranab Behari Mazumder, Jian Ma, Ming Zhou, Xiayu Li, Xiaoling Li, Wei Xiong, Yong Li, and Guiyuan Li
Inflammation as a niche for tumor progression / Futoshi Okada
Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer / Kurt J. Sales
Hepatitis viruses and hepatocellular carcinoma / Wai-Kay Seto, Ching-Lung Lai, and Man-Fung Yuen
Epstein-Barr virus and nasopharyngeal carcinoma / Xiaoying Zhou, Xue Xiao, Fu Chen, Tingting Huang, and Zhe Zhang
Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer / Albert Roessner and Angela Poehlmann
Asbestos-induced chronic inflammation and cancer / Andrea Napolitano, Sandro Jube, Giovanni Gaudino, Harvey I. Pass, Michele Carbone, and Haining Yang
Nanomaterials / Yiqun Mo, Rong Wan, David J. Tollerud, and Qunwei Zhang
Inflammatory pathways of radiation-induced tissue injury / Danae A. Laskaratouu, Ifigeneia V. Mavragani, and Alexandros G. Georgakilas
Photocarcinogenesis and inflammation / Chikako Nishigori
Chemoprevention of colorectal cancer by anti-inflammatory agents / Michihiro Mutoh, Mami Takahasi, and Keiji Wakabayashi
Nutraceuticals and colon cancer prevention / Deepak Poudyal and Lorne J. Hofseth
Cancer chemoprevention by targeting cox-2 using dietary phytochemicals / Kyung-Soo Chun and Young-Joon Surh
Regulation of inflammation-associated intestinal diseases with phytochemicals / Akira Murakami.