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  • Book
    edited by Biji T. Kurien, R. Hal Scofield.
    Early days of blotting / Edwin Southern
    Origins of protein blotting / Harry Towbin
    Western blotting : remembrance of things past / W. Neal Burnette
    Simian virus 40 and protein transfer / Jaime Renart
    Western blotting : an introduction / Biji T. Kurien and R. Hal Scofield
    From little helpers to automation / Biji T. Kurien and Harry Towbin
    Spectrophotometric methods to determine protein concentration / J. P. Dean Goldring
    Solubilization of proteins : the importance of lysis buffer choice / Mandy Peach [and three others]
    Simultaneous immunoblotting analysis with activity gel electrophoresis and 2-D gel electrophoresis / Der-Yen Lee and Geen-Dong Chang
    Diffusion blotting : a rapid and simple method for production of multiple blots from a single gel / Ingrid Olsen and Harald G. Wiker
    Multiple immunoblots by passive diffusion of proteins from a single SDS-PAGE gel / Biji T. Kurien and R. Hal Scofield
    Slice blotting / Graeme Lowe
    Localizing proteins by tissue printing / Rafael F. Pont-Lezica
    Dot-immunobinding assay (Dot-Iba) / Sumi Surendran, Annamma Mathai, and Vishnampet Venkataraman Radhakrishnan
    Analysis of antibody clonotype by affinity immunoblotting / Biji T. Kurien and R. Hal Scofield
    Glycosaminoglycan blotting and detection after electrophoresis separation / Nicola Volpi and Francesca Maccari
    Well-based reverse-phase protein array of formalin- fixed paraffin-embedded tissue / Joon-Yong Chung and Stephen M. Hewitt
    Quantitative computerized western blotting in detail / Dalit Talmi-Frank, Charles L. Jaffe, and Gad Baneth
    Cationic electrophoresis and eastern blotting / Engelbert Buxbaum
    Miniaturized blotting system for simultaneous detection of different autoantibodies / Ulrich Canzler [and eight others]
    Proteomic expressional profiling of a paraffin-embedded tissue by multiplex tissue immunoblotting / Joon-Yong Chungand Stephen M. Hewitt
    Post-staining electroblotting for efficient and reliable peptide blotting / Der-Yen Lee and Geen-Dong Chang
    Multistrip western blotting : a tool for comparative quantitative analysis of multiple proteins / Edita Aksamitiene, Jan B. Hoek, and Anatoly Kiyatkin
    Western blotting using PVDF membranes and its downstream applications / Setsuko Komatsu
    Blotting from phastGel to membranes by ultrasound / Joseph Kost and Aharon Azagury
    Western blotting of high and low molecular weight proteins using heat / Biji T. Kurien and R. Hal Scofield
    Membrane strip affinity purification of autoantibodies / Biji T. Kurien
    Strip immunoblotting of multiple antigenic peptides / Biji T. Kurien
    Double-blotting : a solution to the problem of nonspecific binding of secondary antibodies in immunoblotting procedures / Françoise Lasne
    Method for resolution and western blotting of very large proteins using agarose electrophoresis / Marion L. Greaser and Chad M. Warren
    Immunodetection of P-selectin using an antibody to its C-terminal tag / Padmaja Mehta-D'souza
    Improvements and variants of the multiple antigen blot assay-MABA : an immunoenzymatic technique for simultaneous antigen and antibody screening / Oscar Noya [and six others]
    Blotting from immobilized pH gradient gels : application to total cell lysates / Harry Towbin
    Immunoprecipitation : western blot for proteins of low abundance / Edward P. Trieu and Ira N. Targoff
    Native electrophoresis and western blot analysis (NEWeB) : methods and applications / Ioannis N. Manoussopoulos and Mina Tsagris
    Shift-western blotting : separate analysis of protein and DNA from protein-DNA complexes / Matthias Harbers
    Grid-immunoblotting / Olga Yeliosof and R. Hal Scofield
    Detection and quantification of protein-protein interactions by far-western blotting / Joshua A. Jadwin, Bruce J. Mayer, and Kazuya Machida
    Western blot analysis of adhesive interactions under fluid shear conditions : the blot rolling assay / Robert Sackstein and Robert Fuhlbrigge
    Centrifuge blotting / Jinny Paul
    Blotting of coomassie blue-stained proteins from PAGE gels to transparencies / Jinny Paul
    B-cell ELISPOT : for the identification of antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells / Hemangi B. Shah and Kristi A. Koelsch
    T cell ELISPOT : for the identification of specific cytokine-secreting T cells / Kerry M. Leehan and Kristi A. Koelsch
    Membrane microplates for one- and two-color ELISPOT and FLUOROSPOT assays / Alexander E. Kalyuzhny
    SDS-PAGE to immunoblot in one hour / Biji T. Kurien [and three others]
    Single-cell western blotting / Syed M. S. Quadri
    Protein detection by simple western analysis / Valerie M. Harris
    Western blotting using microfluidics / Pothur R. Srinivas
    Two-dimensional gel-based protein standardization verified by western blot analysis / Hisao Haniu [and three others]
    Fingerprint deposition on nitrocellulose and polyvinylidene difluoride membranes using alkaline phosphatase / Biji T. Kurien, Debashish Danda, and R. Hal Scofield
    Other notable protein blotting methods : a brief review / Biji T. Kurien and R. Hal Scofield.
    Digital Access Springer 2015