BookHarold G. Koenig, Dana E. King, Verna Benner Carson.
Summary: "Completely revises and updates the first edition, ... surveys the historical connections between religion and health and grapples with the distinction between the terms ''religion'' and ''spirituality'' in research and clinical practice. It reviews research on religion and mental health, as well as extensive research literature on the mind-body relationship, and develops a model to explain how religious involvement may impact physical health through the mind-body mechanisms. It also explores the direct relationships between religion and physical health, covering such topics as immune and endocrine function, heart disease, hypertension and stroke, neurological disorders, cancer, and infectious diseases; and examines the consequences of illness including chronic pain, disability, and quality of life ...[The] authors are physicians: a psychiatrist and geriatrician, a primary care physician, and a professor of nursing and specialist in mental health nursing"--Provided by publisher.
I. Background. A history of religion, medicine, and health care
II. Debating religion's effects on health. Religion : good or bad?
Coping with stress
Religion and coping
III. Research on religion and mental health. Well-being and positive emotions
Anxiety disorders
Psychotic disorders
Alcohol and drug use
Delinquency and crime
Marital instability
Personality and personality disorder
Understanding religion's effects on mental health
IV. Research on religion and physical health. Heart disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Alzheimer's Disease and dementia
Immune functions
Endocrine functions
Physical disability
Pain and somatic symptoms
Health behaviors
Disease prevention
V. Understanding the religion-physical health relationship. Psychological, social, and behavioral pathways
Appendix. Studies on religion and health (by health outcome).
Call Number
Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
BL65.M4 K646 2012