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  • Book
    Irving M. Shapiro, Makarand V. Risbud, editors.
    Summary: The intervertebral disc is composed of a complex tissue that separates neighboring vertebrae, permits a wide range of motion, and cushions the high biomechanical forces on the spine. Disc degeneration leads to a loss of function and is often associated with excruciating pain. Written by leading scientists and clinicians, this is the only book in the past fifty years devoted entirely to the study of the intervertebral disc. The first part of the book provides a review of the basic biology of the disc in health and disease. The second part considers strategies for mitigating the effects of disc degeneration and discusses the possibility of engineering replacement tissues. The final section is dedicated to approaches that model normal development, and the elucidation of the pathogenesis of degenerative disc disease using animal, organ and cell culture techniques. This unique and authoritative book bridges the gap between the basic and clinical sciences; its target audience includes basic scientists, orthopedists, neurologists, rehabilitation and physical therapists, primary care physicians and chiropractors, while it also addresses the needs of graduate students, medical students, interns, fellows, and patients who suffer from disc-related pathologies.

    Biomechanical and Molecular Studies of the Intervertebral Disc: Introduction to the Structure, Function and Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrae and the Intervertebral Disc
    The Intervertebral Disc: Overview of Disc Mechanics
    Development of the Intervertebral Disc
    Proteoglycans of the Intervertebral Disc
    Collagen and Other Proteins of the Nucleus Pulposus, Annulus Fibrosus and Cartilage Endplates
    Microenvironmental Regulation of Cell Function and Extracellular Matrix Synthesis by Disc Cells
    The Effects of Mechanical Forces on Nucleus and Annulus Cells
    The Role of the ADAMTS Proteins in the Intervertebral Disc
    Intervertebral Disc Disease: Pathogenesis and Current Treatment Modalities: Epidemiology of Lumbar Disc Degeneration
    Genetic Basis of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
    Pathogenesis of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
    Imaging Modalities for Studying Disc Pathology
    Surgical Indications for Lumbar Degenerative Disease
    Spinal Motion Restoration Devices for the Degenerate Disc
    The Non-Surgical Treatment of Back Pain
    Back Pain and Disc Degeneration: Are They Linked?- Clinical Features and Pathobiology of Chordoma
    Models of Disc Disease and Biological Regeneration: Large Animal Models of Disc Degeneration
    Intervertebral Disc Herniation
    The Sand Rat (Psammomys obesus obesus) Model of Spontaneous, Age-Related Intervertebral Disc Generation
    Use of Knockout and Transgenic Mouse Models in Disc Research
    Intervertebral Disc Culture Models and Their Applications to Study Pathogenesis and Repair
    Use of Stem Cells to Regenerate the Disc
    Gene Therapy Approaches for Disc Regeneration
    Enhancing Disc Repair by Growth Factors and Other Modalities
    Tissue Engineering of the Disc.
    Digital Access Springer 2014