BookReza Shaker, Caryn Easterling, Peter C. Belafsky, Gregory N. Postma, editors.
Summary: Manual of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques for Disorders of Deglutition is a comprehensive multidisciplinary text bringing together the research and practice of deglutition. This book is designed as a diagnostic and therapeutic reference for swallowing clinicians from such diverse backgrounds as gastroenterology, speech language pathology, otolaryngology, rehabilitation medicine, radiology and related fields. Manual of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques for Disorders of Deglutition covers information on state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic modalities through contributions from 28 innovators and master clinicians for the benefit of patients and providers alike. It concisely organizes the wealth of knowledge into one comprehensive information platform.This book is an essential reference for all deglutologists, clinicians, and researchers in their areas of expertise.
Part 1. General Consideration in Evaluation of Dysphagic Patients
Establishing a Comprehensive Center for Diagnosis and Therapy of Swallowing Disorders
Clinical Evaluation of Patients with Dysphagia: Importance of History Taking and Physical Exam
Part 2. Commonly used tests for evaluation of deglutitive disorders
Radiographic Evaluation of the Oral/Preparatory and Pharyngeal Phases of Swallowing Including the UES: Comprehensive Modified Barium Swallow Studies
Radiographic Evaluation of the Esophageal Phase of Swallowing
Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)
Laryngopharyngeal Sensory Testing
Unsedated Transnasal Esophagoscopy: Endoscopic Evaluation of Esophageal Phase of Deglutition
Manometry of the UES Including High-Resolution Manometry
Manometric Assessment of the Esophagus
Esophageal pH and Impedance Monitoring
Pharyngeal pH and Impedance Monitoring
Part 3. Management of Oral Pharyngeal Dysphagia in Adults
Oropharyngeal Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Deglutitive Disorders
Shaker Exercise
Mendelson Maneuver and Masako Maneuver
Effortful Swallow
Compensatory Strategies and Techniques
Part 4. Management of Oral Pharyngeal Dysphagia in Pediatrics
Rehabilitative Maneuvers and Exercise
Compensatory Strategies and Techniques
Special Consideration in the Evaluation of Infants and Children with Deglutitive Disorders.