BookBarbara Steck.
Summary: This book addresses the psychosocial complexities of adoption from multiple perspectives, including the biological family, adopted child, and adoptive parents. It highlights the must-have sensitivity and tactfulness for recurring discussions of the adoption situation. Organized into 10 parts, the book begins with a brief outline of the history of adoption and its legal status from antiquity to modern times. Chapters in the first half of the book examine critical topics such as different parenthood situations, stress and pain processes in early childhood, and challenges of domestic, international, transcultural, transracial, foster, and sexual and gender minorities adoption. Within the second half of the book, chapters describe the birth parents' difficulties in relinquishing their infant, the motives of the adoptive parents, and the hardships of the adoptive children in self-development. The final chapters address the topic of deprivation, traumatization, and developmental trauma disorders on a psychodynamic level accompanied by clinical vignettes. Unique, perceptive, and insightful, Adoption, A Life Long Process is an essential resource for all of those involved in the adoption process, including counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, adoptive parents, and biological parents.
About the Author
Chapter 1: Introduction: History of Adoption
Right and Law
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Chapter 2: Self Development and Parenthood
True and False Self
Time and Temporality in Childhood and Adolescence
Early Parent-Child Relationship
Early Relationship Disorders
Childless Couples with a Desire for Children
Disappointed Longing
Adoption or Reproductive Medicine Parenthood by Medically Assisted Reproduction
Reproductive Medicine and Adoption
Parenthood by Surrogacy
Parenthood by Adoption
Parenthood by Sexual and Gender Minorities
Parenthood of Foster Children
Adoption of Older Children
Adjustment Dynamics
Symptomatic Behavior
Loyalty Versus Disloyalty
Questioning the New Affective Ties
The Family System
Parental Adjustment
Marital Relationship
Suggestions for New Parents Adopting an Older Child
Chapter 3: Stress and Pain
Neurobiological Responses to Stress Psychobiological Effects of Stressful Experiences
Three Different Types of Stress Reactions in Young Children
Stress at Different Ages
Prenatal Stress
Stress in Infancy
Stress in Separation Situations
Neurobiological Aspects of Pain
Pain and Stress Processing
Pain and Attachment
Chapter 4: Adoption Studies
Genetic and Environmental Factors
Risk and Protective Factors
Early Versus Late Adoption
Investigations on Adopted Romanian Orphans
Attachment Disorders
Autistic Disorders The Mental Health Long-Term Outcomes of Young Adopted Adults
Epidemiological Studies
Domestic, International, Transracial or Transcultural Adoptions
Open Adoption
Controversial Results of Clinical Studies
Disadvantages and Differences of Open Adoption
Adoption Disruption and Dissolution
Relationship Dissolution or Divorce in Adoptive Parents or Same-Sex Parent Couples
Chapter 5: Adoption Triangle: Biological Parents-Child-Adoptive Parents
Biological Parents
Biological Mothers
Biological Fathers Adoptive Parents
Transition from the Imaginary to the Real Child
Edward Franklin Albee (1928-2016) American Playwright
The Adopted Child
Development in Adolescence
Biological Children
Adoption of Siblings
Chapter 6: Filiation Breakup
Psychic Trauma
Difference Between Extra- and Intrafamilial Trauma
Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD)
Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD)
Concepts of Trauma
Neurobiological Aspects
Psychobiological Aspects
Cumulative Trauma
Assessment of a Traumatic Situation