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  • Book
    edited by Elizabeth Ryznar, Aderonke B. Pederson, Mark A. Reinecke, and John G. Csernansky
    Summary: Landmark Papers in Psychiatry traces the evolution of psychiatry as a scientific discipline. By summarizing over 100 watershed psychiatric papers this text gives historical context to the research trajectory of psychiatry.

    I. Foundational Topics. 1. Diagnosis and conceptualization of mental illness / Awais Aftab and John G. Csernansky
    2. Epidemiology / Elizabeth Ryznar and Harvey Whiteford
    II. Pathogenesis. 3. The neurochemical basis of psychiatric disorders / Elizabeth Ryznar and Herbert Y. Meltzer
    4. Genetics / Marina Bayeva and Edwin H. Cook Jr.
    5. Inflammatory mechanisms, the immune system and psychiatric illness / Ozan Toy, Emmalee Boyle, and Lynn E. DeLisi
    6. Psychological and social factors / Shaun M. Eack
    III. Pharmacotherapy. 7. Schizophrenia / David. V. Braitman and Juan. R. Bustillo
    8. Pharmacotherapy of mood disorders / Marsal Sanches, Rodrigo Machado-Vieira, and Jair C. Soares
    9. Pharmacotherapy of anxiety and related disorders / Dan J. Stein
    10. Pharmacotherapy in child and adolescent psychiatry / Jenni E. Farrow, Francisco Romo-Nava, and Melissa Delbello
    IV. Psychosocial interventions. 11. Psychodynamic therapy / Kevin S. McCarthy and Richard F. Summers
    12. Cognitive behavioral therapy / Keith S. Dobson
    13. Third wave psychotherapies / Amanda A. Uliaszek, Nadia Al-Dajani, Amanda Ferguson, and Zindel V. Segal
    14. Psychosocial rehabilitation / Mariam Ujeyl and Wulf Rossler
    15. Social and community psychiatry / Neil Jordan
    16. Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology / Mark R. Dadds, Yixin Jiang, Valsamma Eapen, and Stephen Scott
    V. Somatic Treatments. 17. Electroconvulsive therapy / Keith G. Rasmussen
    18. Non-convulsive brain stimulation / Kevin A. Caulfield and Mark S. George
    19. Subcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression / Paul E. Holtzheimer and Helen Mayberg
    VI. Special Considerations. 20. Psychiatric ethics / Rachel E. Zettl and John Z. Sadler
    21. Forensic psychiatry / Stephen H. Dinwiddie
    22. Suicide / Danuta Wasserman, Marcus Sokolowski, and Vladimir Carli
    23. Research methodology / Robert D. Gibbons.
    Digital Access Oxford 2020