Image Materials
- Elena Lazzeri, Alberto Signore, Paola Anna Erba, Napoleone Prandini, Annibale Versari, Giovanni D'Errico, Giuliano Mariani, editors.Summary: This atlas explores the latest advances in radionuclide imaging in the field of inflammatory diseases and infections, which now typically includes multimodality fusion imaging (e.g. in SPECT/CT and in PET/CT). In addition to describing the pathophysiologic and molecular mechanisms on which the radionuclide imaging of infection/inflammation is based, the clinical relevance and impact of such procedures are demonstrated in a collection of richly illustrated teaching cases, which describe the most commonly observed scintigraphic patterns, as well as anatomic variants and technical pitfalls. Special emphasis is placed on using tomographic multimodality imaging to increase both the sensitivity and specificity of radionuclide imaging. The aim of the second edition of this book is to update the first (published in 2013) by reflecting the changes in this rapidly evolving field. Particular attention is paid to the latest advances in the radionuclide imaging of infection and inflammation, including the expanding role of hybrid imaging with [18F]FDG PET/CT SPECT/CT, without neglecting new radiotracers proposed for the imaging of infection/inflammation. Written by respected experts in the field, the book will be an invaluable tool for residents in nuclear medicine, as well as for other specialists.
1 Normal Findings from Different Radiopharmaceuticals and Techniques, with Variants and Pitfalls
2 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Soft Tissue Infections
3 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Bone and Joint Infection
4 Miscellaneous Bone and Joint conditions
5 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Joint Prosthesis Infections
6 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Vascular Prosthesis
7 Nonorthopedic or Cardiovascular Implantable Device Infection
8 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Infections and Inflammation of Central Nervous System, Head and Neck Structures
9 Infective Endocarditis and Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Infection
10 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Fever of Unknown Origin
11 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Abdominal Infections and Inflammation
12 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Diabetic Foot
13 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Lung Infection
14 Nuclear Medicine Imaging in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. - Deborshi Sharma, Priya Hazrah, editors.Summary: The book covers the recent developments in various aspects of minimal access surgery (laparoscopic and robotic surgery), which is fairly a new branch of surgery that has advanced tremendously in last few years. This is the first volume of the set of books on recent concepts in minimal access surgery. It provides step-by-step descriptions accompanied by numerous helpful photographs and anatomical drawings. It also includes the controversies and gives a cumulative opinion on the recent changes developing in minimal access surgery (MAS). It includes system wise topics and separate chapters on the different topics within the system with the meta-analysis of recent topic or their controversies. The book is useful for practitioners and young faculties as well as residents, trainees and fellows of surgery and minimal access surgery.
Laparoscopic Fundoplication: Current Scenario
Minimally Invasive Procedures for Rectal Prolapse
Trans Anal Total Meso rectal excision
Pain Prevention after Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction: Recent advances
Extended view TEP: How is it different to TEP? Current evidence
Mini Gastric Bypass
Robotic Roux en-Y Gastric Bypass
Laparoscopic Subtotal Cholecystectomy
Predictors of Difficult Lap Chole
Laparoscopic management of massive spleen: Current perspective
Robotic Whipple procedure
Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
Laparoscopic D2 Gastrectomy
Staging Laparoscopy
Ergonomics in Laparoscopic Surgery
Energy Sources
Third space endoscopy
Management of solitary pulmonary nodule
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy. - [edited by] Darren L. Johnson.Digital Access
- [edited by] Robert X Murphy, Charles K. Herman.Summary: "Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: An Atlas of Essential Procedures edited by esteemed authors, educators, and surgeons Robert X. Murphy Jr. and Charles K. Herman is a comprehensive resource detailing head-to-toe surgical procedures for a broad range of conditions. The senior editors have more than 50 years of collective surgical experience and expertise training hundreds of medical students and plastic surgery residents. A distinguished and diverse group of contributors from more than 15 countries and five continents share clinical pearls throughout the book. Sixty-seven chapters organized in five sections start with head and neck chapters detailing cleft palate defects and repair, followed by functional rhinoplasty, neoplasms, and trauma. Section two encompasses breast reduction/ reconstruction techniques and other breast deformities; and management of trunk ulcers, deep wounds, and defects. The hand and upper extremity section details reconstructive techniques for infections, trauma, and Dupuytren's contracture. The final two sections cover a wide spectrum of nerve-related conditions and syndromes, followed by burns, melanoma, and vascular anomalies"-- Provided by publisher.Digital Access
- Günter Germann, L. Scott Levin, Randolph Sherman ; illustrator Amanda Tomasikiewicz.Digital Access Thieme MedOne Plastic Surgery 2018
- editor, Carol J. Baker, MD, FAAPDigital Access AAP ebooks 2020
- edited by Tina Q. Tan.Summary: "The fifth edition of this best-selling Red Book image companion aids in the diagnosis and treatment of more than 165 pediatric infectious diseases. Streamline disease recognition and clinical decision-making with more than 1,350 finely detailed color images, combined with step-by-step guidance" -- Publisher's description.Digital Access AAP ebooks 2023
- Peush Sahni, Rakesh Aggarwal, editors.Summary: This book eases the task of converting research work into a manuscript, and covers the recent developments in publishing that often stump budding researchers. Few researchers in the biomedical sciences are trained in the essential skills of reporting their results, and they seek help in writing a paper that will be acceptable for publication in the 'right' journal, and in presenting their results 'effectively' at a meeting. As well as covering the basic aspects of preparing manuscripts for publication, the book discusses best practices and issues relating to the publication of biomedical research, including topics such as peer-review, authorship, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, publication misconduct, electronic publishing and open-access journals. With more than two decades of experience in conducting workshops on writing scientific papers, the editors have brought together the expertise of 29 authors from seven countries to produce this one-stop guide to publishing research in biomedical sciences. This book is intended for young researchers who are beginning their careers and wish to hone their skills and understand the rigors of research writing and publishing.
- editors, Mitchell S. Fineman, Allen C. Ho, Christopher J. Rapuano.Summary: "There are significant barriers to its study beyond the constricted pupil. Ophthalmology trainees first acquire the observational skills and facility with diagnostic instrumentation such as the slit lamp biomicroscope"--Provided by publisher.Digital Access
- K. Bailey Freund, David Sarraf, William F. Mieler, Lawrence A. Yannuzzi ; special contributor to the second edition Carol L. Shields.Contents:
Hereditary chorioretinal dystrophies
Retinal vascular disease
Vitreomacular traction, epiretinal membranes, and macular holes
Central serous chorioretinopathy and other exudative detachments
Peripheral retinal degenerations and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
Traumatic chorioretinopathy
Complications of ocular surgery
Chorioretinal toxicities
Congenital and developmental anomalies of the optic nerve.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2017 - Sarwar Zahid [and 6 others].Summary: Classically, photo atlases of retinal dystrophies have been divided into sections that describe and depict a particular retinal finding or disease, after which a differential diagnosis of potential diseases or mutated genes is provided. However, given the rapid improvement in molecular diagnostics, and the exponential increase in our understanding of the phenotypes caused by each mutated gene, the paradigm has changed. Physicians are now more interested in the variable expressivity associated with mutations in each individual gene. Therefore, Retinal Dystrophy Gene Atlas catalogs the different phenotypes that have been reported with each mutated gene. Each section describes a gene and its known clinical phenotypes and features of disease, along with retinal photos of affected patients. Written by prominent retinal dystrophy specialists from the largest dystrophy centers worldwide, Retinal Dystrophy Gene Atlas contains more than 80 chapters, each of which describes the clinical and photographic manifestations of a specific gene. The chapters include stunning clinical color photographs of the retina, autofluorescence imaging, electrophysiologic findings, and cross-sectional imaging. Retinal Dystrophy Gene Atlas serves as a resource to aid genetic diagnosis in patients with retinal dystrophies.
Part I. Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
1. BEST1
2. CRX
3. CTRP5
6. FSCN2
7. GNAT1
10. GUCY2D
11. IMPDH1 (RP10)
12. JAG1
13. KLHL7
14. PROM1
15. PRPF3 (RP18)
16. PRPF31
17. PRPF8 (RP18)
18. PRPH2 (RDS)
19. RBP3
20. RGR
21. RHO
22. RLPB1
23. RP1
24. RIMS1
25. SEMA4A
26. SNRNP200
27. TIMP3
29. TTC8
30. VCAN
31. WFS1
Part II. Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
32. ABCA4
33. AIPL1
34. ALMS1
35. ARL6
36. BBS1
37. BBS10
38. BBS12
39. BBS2
40. BBS4
41. BBS5
42. BBS7
43. BBS9
44. C2ORF71
45. C8ORF37
46. CDH23
47. CEP290
49. CLN3
50. CLRN1
51. CNGA1
52. CNGA3
53. CNGB1
54. CNGB3
55. CRB1
56. CYP4V2
57. DFNB31
59. EYS
60. FAM161A
61. GNAT2
62. GPR98
63. IDH3B
64. IMPG1
65. IQCB1
66. KCNV2
67. KCNJ13
68. LCA5
69. LRAT
70. MAK
72. MYO7A
73. NMNAT1
74. NR2E3
75. NRL
76. OAT
77. PDE6A
78. PDE6B
79. PDE6C
80. PDE6G
81. PDE6H
82. PEX7
83. PHYH
84. PRCD
85. RD3
86. RDH5
87. RDH12
88. RPE65
90. SAG
91. SPATA7
92. TULP1
93. USH1C
94. USH1G
95. USH2A
96. ZNF513
Part III. X-Linked Inheritance
98. CHM
99. NYX
100. OPN1LW
101. RP2
102. RPGR
103. RS1.Digital Access Springer 2018 - Nishi Gupta, Santosh G. Honavar, editors.Summary: This book is the most comprehensive (and possibly the first) manual on Rhino-Orbito-Cerebral Mucormycosis (ROCM) that covers mucormycosis of the nose extending to sinuses, orbit, and brain, all in. This volume covers the surge of cases during the COVID-19 pandemic, early identification and causative factors, microbiology, pathology and radiology, and the clinical presentation. Notes on surgical approaches, extent, and techniques of debridement, number of sittings, antifungal therapy, complications, and their management equip readers to manage these cases confidently. Detailed descriptions of ROCM surgery accompanied by nearly 500 photographs and anatomical drawings help support diagnostic and surgical decision-making. Also included is information on various specifications of MRI that help in achieving a perfect surgical clearance. The book includes chapters on debates on salvaging the orbit in ROCM, various situations, their management, the extent of resection, antifungal dosage and duration, prognostication of the patient, and postoperative care. The book assists surgeons in gaining the skills to perform endoscopic clearance of difficult areas like pterygoplataine fossa, infratemporal fossa, pterygoid plates, and the lacrimal drainage system, which offers significant advantages in terms of avoiding postoperative morbidity as compared to an external route. Since the external route is required in the most extensive form of the disease, the book has also covered it extensively. This book is an indispensable resource for otorhinolaryngologists, ophthalmic surgeons, ophthalmic plastic surgeons, physicians, microbiologists, pathologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons, faciomaxillary surgeons and junior and senior consultants optometrists and students.
- Rollin K. Daniel, Péter Pálházi.Summary: In this atlas, sequential anatomical dissections are presented which show each component of the nose in unprecedented meticulous detail. Anatomical photographs are often paired with anatomical drawings and even intraoperative clinical photographs to illustrate each part of the nose. Rhinoplasty: An Anatomical and Clinical Atlas, provides an in-depth understanding of nasal anatomy and a wide variety of operative techniques. In rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon must understand the tight linkage between surface aesthetics, underlying anatomy, and selection of operative techniques. The underlying anatomy is only revealed to a limited degree at the time of surgery and the surgeon must then adapt the operative plan to fit the actual anatomy observed in the operating room to achieve the patient's desired aesthetic result. Ultimately, the goal of this atlas is to allow the surgeon to see the operative techniques in both cadavers and clinical cases which represents the best possible learning approach.Digital Access Springer 2018
- Maria Peris-Celda, Francisco Martinez-Soriano, Albert L. Rhoton, Jr. ; anatomical labeling, Alfonso Amador Valverde, Vicent Teruel Marti.Digital Access
- Edward C. Klatt.Summary: "Designed to complement Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition and Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th Edition, the full-color Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology offers more than 1,800 outstanding illustrations that vividly depict the most common diseases covered in pathology courses and USMLE exams. Covering all major topic areas in organ system pathology and incorporating the latest understanding of pathophysiology and molecular medicine, it is a quick visual reference or review for students and professionals alike"--Publisher's description.
Blood vessels
The heart
Red blood cell disorders
The lungs
Head and neck
The gastrointestinal tract
The liver and biliary tract
The pancreas
The kidneys
The lower urinary tract
The male genital tract
The female genital tract
The breasts
The endocrine system
The skin
Bones, joints, and soft tissues
Peripheral nerve and skeletal muscle
The central nervous system
The eyes.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2021 - [edited by] David Goldenberg, Neerav Goyal ; Tess Marhofer, medical illustrator.Summary: Robotic Head and Neck Surgery: An Anatomical and Surgical Atlas is a splendidly illustrated anatomical guide on current and emerging procedures from David Goldenberg and Neerav Goyal. It fills a gap in available resources and offers surgical pearls from prominent head and neck surgeons who have pioneered and mastered robotic techniques. The atlas reflects expanding indications for head and neck robotics including midline glossectomy for obstructive sleep apnea, nasopharyngeal surgery, laryngectomy, transaxillary parathyroidectomy, facelift thyroidectomy, and robot-assisted neck dissection. Key features: Nine visually-rich chapters provide concise yet detailed procedural guidance including key landmarks, vascular and nervous structures, background, indications, surgical anatomy, step-by-step diagrams, and radiologic imaging; Exquisite anatomical illustrations by Tess Marhofer and stunning cadaveric dissections provide the ability to see detailed anatomy from the robot's perspective; Videos with cadaveric and live patient dissections provide additional endoscopic insights. -- Publisher.
Oropharyngeal anatomy and radical tonsillectomy / Neerav Goyal, Frederick Yoo, and David Goldenberg
Base of tongue resection and hypopharyngeal anatomy / Aaron Baker, Neerav Goyal, and David Goldenberg
Parapharyngeal space anatomy and dissection / Daniel Clayburg and Umamaheswar Duvvuri
Anatomy of the trans-oral robotic retropharyngeal node dissection / Hetal H. Patel and Neerav Goyal
Nasopharyngeal anatomy and approaches to the nasopharynx / Irina Chaikhoutdinov and David Goldenberg
Robotic supraglottic anatomy and laryngectomy technique / Ryan Li and Jeremy J. Richmon
Robotic-assisted thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy : transaxillary approach / Salah Eldin Mohamed, Nuha Al-Saleh, Daniah Bu Ali, and Emad Kandil
Surgical anatomy of robotic facelift thyroidectomy / Katrina Chaung, William S. Duke, and David J. Terris
Robotic-assisted neck dissection / Hung Kwon Beyon and Yoon Woo Koh.Digital Access - [edited by] Charles A. Rockwood, Jr., Frederick A. Matsen, III, Michael A. Wirth, Steven B. Lippitt, Edward V. Fehringer, John W. Sperling ; associate editors, Samuel Antuña, Aaron J. Bois, Frank A. Cordasco, Jason E. Hsu.Contents:
Developmental anatomy of the shoulder and anatomy of the glenohumeral joint
Gross anatomy of the shoulder
Clinical evaluation of shoulder problems
Radiographic evaluation of shoulder problems
Effectiveness evaluation of the shoulder
Fractures of the proximal humerus
Fractures of the scapula
Fractures of the clavicle
Disorders of the acromioclavicular joint
Disorders of the sternoclavicular joint
Sepsis of the shoulder : molecular mechanisms and pathogenesis
Fractures, dislocations, and acquired problems of the shoulder in children
Glenohumeral instability
The rotator cuff
Shoulder arthroscopy
Glenohumeral arthritis and its management
The biceps tendon
Nerve problems related to the shoulder
The stiff shoulder
The shoulder in athletes
Occupational shoulder disorders
Tumors and related conditions.Digital Access ScienceDirect 2017 - Frederick A. Matsen, Frank A. Cordasco, John W. Sperling, Steven B. Lippitt.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2022
- John R. Goldblum, Laura W. Lamps, Jesse K. McKenney, Jeffrey L. Myers.Contents:
Introduction : the legacies of Dr. Lauren V. Ackerman and Dr. Juan Rosai
Tumors and tumorlike conditions of the skin
Upper aerodigestive tract
Mandible and maxilla
Major and minor salivary glands
Thyroid gland
Parathyroid glands
Small bowel
Large bowel
Liver : non-neoplastic diseases
Liver : tumors and tumorlike conditions
Gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts
Pancreas and ampullary region
Kidney : non-neoplastic diseases
Kidney : tumors and tumorlike conditions
Prostate and seminal vesicles
Testis and testicular adnexa
Penis and scrotum
Adrenal gland and other paraganglia
Uterus : cervix
Uterus : corpus
Fallopian tube
Lymph nodes
Bone marrow
Bone and joints
Soft tissues
Cardiovascular system
Central nervous system
Pituitary gland
Eye and ocular adnexa.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2018
Popular Image Sources
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Limited to 19 simultaneous users. Designed to teach or review human anatomy; turn labels on/off, some quizzing. 6th edition of An Atlas of illustrations and radiologic images provides views and perspectives that elucidate complex anatomic relationships.
Incorporates muscle tables as quick look-up appendices. Database of must-know cases covering every radiology subspecialty; clearly annotated images to identify key findings at-a-glance. Select “Images” tab; search over 2 million images covering these subject areas: Biochemistry, Dentistry, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Medicine, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Nursing & Health Professions, Veterinary Science & Medicine A presentation tool with thousands of stunning illustrations and clinical images from Gilroy et al.'s Atlas of Anatomy, 2nd Edition, and other Thieme titles. Archive of medical images of cancer for free public download. Images are organized as “Collections”, e.g., disease (lung cancer, etc.), image modality (MRI, CT, etc.) or research focus. DICOM file format.