Exploration of the brain from its basal aspect
Course of anterior cerebral arteries around genu of corpus callosum
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Image #8-2
Exploration of the brain from its basal aspect
Course of anterior cerebral arteries around genu of corpus callosum
The corpus callosum has been cut away to expose its genu. The cingulum and gyrus cinguli have been dissected so that the course of the anterior cerebral arteries may be followed in the longitudinal fissure.
- Branch of anterior cerebral artery within cingulate sulcus
- Cingulate gyrus (cut across)
- Frontal part corona radiata
- Cingulum (cut across)
- Genu of corpus callosum
- Broken ends of fibers of the superior occipitofrontal fasciculus
- Frontal part internal capsule (cut across)
- Corpus callosum
- Septum pellucidum
- Longitudinal fibers within septum pellucidum
- Medial surface frontal lobe
- Anterior cerebral artery right
- Straight gyrus
- Rostral lamina of corpus callosum (cut across)
- Olfactory tract
- Lamina terminalis
- Anterior communicating artery
- Anterior commissure (cut across)
- Hypothalamus