Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck

Thyrohyoid muscle, anterior view

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #74-3
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck
Thyrohyoid muscle, anterior view
The sternohyoid and omohyoid muscles (5) have been detached from the hyoid bone and turned inferiorly. The thin fascia of the thyrohyoid muscle (9) has been removed.
  1. Body of mandible
  2. Anterior belly digastric muscle
  3. Mylohyoid muscle
  4. Body hyoid bone (covered by fibrous tissue)
  5. Upper pointer: Omohyoid muscle (cut-off) Lower pointer: Sternohyoid muscle (cut-off)
  6. Anterior jugular vein
  7. Thyroid cartilage (covered by fascia)
  8. Fibrous remnant of thyroglossal duct (note accompanying Ievator glandulae thyroideae muscle)
  9. Upper pointer: Thyrohyoid muscle left Lower pointer: Cricothyroid branch superior thyroid artery
  10. Sternohyoid muscle right
  11. Sternocleidomastoid muscle right
  12. Prelaryngeal lymph nodes and medial superior thyroid lymphatic vessels
  13. Sternohyoid muscle (reflected inferiorly)
  14. Veins of submandibular gland
  15. Bifurcation of common carotid artery (covered by carotid sheath)
  16. Internal jugular vein
  17. Superior thyroid artery
  18. Descending branch hypoglossal nerve
  19. Cervical nerve IV
  20. Left pointer: Hyoid branch lingual artery Right pointer: Thyrohyoid branch hypoglossal nerve
  21. Branch of descending branch hypoglossal nerve to sternohyoid muscle and superior belly omohyoid muscle
  22. Sternocleidomastoid branch superior thyroid artery
  23. Anterior branch of superior thyroid artery
  24. Ansa hypoglossi
  25. Superior belly omohyoid muscle (reflected inferiorly)
  26. Sternothyroid muscle