Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck
Inferior deep cervical lymph nodes; lymphathic vessels entering left internal jugular vein, anterolateral view
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Image #74-2
Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck
Inferior deep cervical lymph nodes; lymphathic vessels entering left internal jugular vein, anterolateral view
The middle layer of cervical fascia has been removed and the omohyoid muscle retracted superiorly. The thoracic duct is not visible.
- Superior belly omohyoid muscle
- Ansa hypoglossi
- Lymph node of chain posterior to internal jugular vein
- Branch of superior thyroid artery to sternothyroid muscle
- Inferior deep cervical lymph nodes
- Sternothyroid muscle
- Aberrant slip of sternothyroid muscle attached superiorly to carotid sheath
- Internal jugular vein
- Jugular trunk left
- Upper pointer: Sternohyoid muscle Lower pointer: Nerve entering sternohyoid muscle
- Upper pointer: Site of entry of lymphatic trunks into internal jugular vein Lower pointer: Lymphatic trunk from anterior mediastinal lymph nodes
- Nerve to inferior belly omohyoid muscle
- Superficial cervical artery
- Prevertebral fascia
- Inferior deep cervical lymph node
- Inferior belly omohyoid muscle
- External jugular vein
- Superficial transverse vein
- Clavicle
- Left pointer: Subclavian trunk Right pointer: Transverse scapular artery