Dissection of nose
Cartilage of nasal septum
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Image #71-4
Dissection of nose
Cartilage of nasal septum
The mucous membrane which lines the lateral wall of the nasal fossa has been exposed by removal of the nasal bone and much of the frontal process of the maxilla. The original margin of these bones are still evident at 6. The nasal bone overlapped the lateral nasal cartilage (3) to a considerable extent. The bony nasolacrimal canal (21) has been opened.
- Nasal bone
- Cut margin of bony nasal wall
- Remnant of lateral nasal cartilage beneath nasal bone
- External nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve
- Nasal mucosal membrane (periosteal surface)
- Line of bony nasal margin prior to dissection
- Middle nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve
- Septal cartilage
- Mucosal membrane of nasal septum (dissected)
- Inferior nasal concha (area of articulation with lateral bony wall)
- Greater alar cartilage (lateral crus cut off)
- Medial crus of greater alar cartilage
- Anterior nasal spine maxilla
- Artery of nasal septum
- Depressor septi nasi muscle (cut off)
- Superior labial branches of infraorbital nerve and orbicularis oris muscle
- Inferior tarsus
- Eyeball
- Suspensory ligament of eye
- Inferior oblique muscle
- Periosteum lining nasolacrimal canal
- Zygomaticomaxillary suture
- Infraorbital foramen
- Zygomatic bone (cut across)
- Anterior superior alveolar artery
- Nasal incisure (maxilla)
- Internal nasal branch of infraorbital nerve
- Buccinator muscle
- Superior labial artery