Dissection of nose
Nasal exoskeleton, anterolateral view
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Image #71-2
Dissection of nose
Nasal exoskeleton, anterolateral view
- Nasal bone
- Nasomaxillary suture
- Transverse part of nasalis muscle
- External nasal branch of anterior ethmoidal nerve
- Lateral nasal cartilage
- Septal cartilage (covered by membrane)
- Deep vein
- Lesser alar cartilage and membranous portion of nasal wall
- Lateral crus of greater alar cartilage
- Apex of nose
- Ala nasi
- Naris
- Remnants of levator labii superioris muscle
- Artery of nasal septum
- Medial palpebral ligament
- Frontal process of maxilla
- Artery of periosteum
- Orbital septum
- Inferior palpebral branches of infraorbital nerve
- Infraorbital head of levator labii superioris muscle (cut off)
- External nasal branch of infraorbital nerve
- Internal nasal branch of infraorbital nerve
- Buccal branch of facial nerve (joining infraorbital plexus)
- Superior labial branches infraorbital nerve