Dissection of oral region

Genoglossus muscle; lingual artery; glossopharyngeal nerve, left lateral view

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Image #70-2
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of oral region
Genoglossus muscle; lingual artery; glossopharyngeal nerve, left lateral view
The lingual and hypoglossal nerves have been partially removed and the hyoglossus muscle cut through to expose the lingual artery (22) and its major branches. Periosteum has been stripped from the hyoid bone and the left lamina of the thyroid cartilage has been resected. The styloglossus muscle has been divided to expose the stylopharyngeus muscle.
  1. Nasal mucosal membrane (periosteal surface)
  2. Medial incisor
  3. Fimbriated fold (of tongue)
  4. Cut ends of lingual nerve
  5. Genioglossus muscle
  6. Hyoglossus muscle (partially resected) and deep lingual artery
  7. Sublingual artery (cut off)
  8. Branches of hypoglossal nerve (cut off)
  9. Geniohyoid muscle (fibers separated)
  10. Position of epiglottal cartilage (beneath membrane)
  11. Lamina right thyroid cartilage
  12. Palatine nerves anterior and medial
  13. Levator veli palatini muscle
  14. Tensor veli palatini muscle
  15. Lymphatic vessel draining soft palate
  16. Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
  17. Ascending palatine artery
  18. Stylopharyngeus muscle
  19. Styloglossus muscle (cut across, fibers separated to expose branch of hypoglossal nerve entering inferior part of muscle)
  20. Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)
  21. Hypoglossal nerve (XII) (cut off)
  22. Upper pointer: Lingual artery Lower pointer: Hyoid branch of lingual artery (cut off)
  23. External carotid artery (pointer opposite origin of superior laryngeal artery)
  24. Upper pointers: Branches of dorsal tongue lingual artery Lower pointer: Lesser horn hyoid bone
  25. Greater horn hyoid bone
  26. Upper pointer: Superior laryngeal artery Lower pointer: Superior laryngeal nerve
  27. Piriform recess (outer surface of mucosa)
  28. Medial laryngeal gland