Exploration of the brain from its basal aspect

Interventricular foramen and column of fornix

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #7-4
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Exploration of the brain from its basal aspect
Interventricular foramen and column of fornix
The mammillothalamic tract is cut back and the column of the fornix exposed in its course around the interventricular foramen (3) and down to the mammillary body.
  1. Septum pellucidum (ventricular surface)
  2. Corpus callosum (ventricular surface)
  3. Interventricular foramen
  4. Medial nucleus of thalamus (dissected)
  5. Fornix (body)
  6. Choroidal vessels and meninges along roof of third ventricle (exposed in next view)
  7. Corpus callosum (splenium)
  8. Radiation of rostral lamina of corpus callosum (medial to position of head of caudate nucleus)
  9. Anterior communicating artery
  10. Free part of column of fornix
  11. Anterior commissure (cut across)
  12. Tectal part of column of fornix
  13. Anterior perforated substance
  14. Mamillothalamic tract (cut across)
  15. Mamillary body
  16. Interpeduncular fossa
  17. Habenular nucleus
  18. Substantia nigra (cut across)
  19. Pons