Dissection of oral region

Mylohyoid muscle and nerve; internal pterygoid muscle, left anterolateral view

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Image #69-3
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of oral region
Mylohyoid muscle and nerve; internal pterygoid muscle, left anterolateral view
Part of the mandible has been removed. A remnant of the angle (18) and ramus of the mandible has been retracted laterally. The buccinator muscle remains intact. This part of the jaw was edentulous so that the gingival tissue (6) appears intact.
  1. Buccal nerve
  2. Body maxilla
  3. Buccinator muscle
  4. Internal pterygoid muscle
  5. Branches of buccal nerve
  6. Gingiva
  7. Mylohyoid muscle (detached from mylohyoid line mandible)
  8. Submental artery
  9. Upper pointer: Mental nerve (approaching mental foramen) Lower pointer: Mandible (cut across)
  10. Anterior belly digastric muscle
  11. External pterygoid muscle
  12. Inferior alveolar artery (cut off)
  13. Inferior alveolar nerve (cut off)
  14. Sphenomandibular ligament (two distinct bands in this specimen)
  15. Mylohyoid nerve (note relation to lingula of mandible near upper pointer)
  16. Posterior belly of digastric muscle
  17. Internal jugular vein
  18. Angle of mandible (retracted laterally)
  19. External maxillary artery (cut off)
  20. Hypoglossal nerve (XII)
  21. Submandibular duct
  22. Submandibular lymph node
  23. Bifurcation of common carotid artery