Dissection of left submaxillary (submandibular) gland and related structures

Superior relations of submaxillary gland, inferolateral view

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Image #68-3
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of left submaxillary (submandibular) gland and related structures
Superior relations of submaxillary gland, inferolateral view
The submaxillary gland has been freed of its fascial capsule and pulled downward slightly to reveal vessels and lymphatic structures which lie between it and the body of the mandible.
  1. Inferior labial artery and marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve (VII)
  2. Remnant of depressor anguli oris (triangularis) muscle
  3. Body of mandible
  4. Anterior belly digastric muscle
  5. Submandibular lymph nodes
  6. Submental vein
  7. Upper pointer: Mylohyoid muscle Lower pointer: Hyoid bone (covered by fibrous tissue)
  8. Submandibular gland (note fascial layer extending medially above the gland)
  9. Omohyoid muscle
  10. Buccal nerve
  11. External maxillary artery
  12. Parotid gland (retracted)
  13. Insertion of masseter muscle
  14. Posterior facial vein
  15. Superior deep cervical lymph node
  16. Anterior facial vein (cut off)
  17. Submandibular lymph node
  18. Cervical nerve III
  19. Descending branch hypoglossal nerve
  20. Common carotid artery (covered by carotid sheath)
  21. Internal jugular vein (covered by carotid sheath)