Left infraorbital, labial and buccal regions

Mental nerve; marginal mandibular branches of facial nerve; labial glands, anterolateral view

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #67-4
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Left infraorbital, labial and buccal regions
Mental nerve; marginal mandibular branches of facial nerve; labial glands, anterolateral view
The quadratus labii inferioris, the inferior part of the orbicularis oris and part of the mental muscle have been removed.
1 . Upper pointer: Labial gland Lower pointer: Oral mucosa (lamina propria)
2 . Labial commissure
3 . Lower lip
4 . Labial glands
5 . Inferior labial artery (cut off)
6 . Midline section through muscles of mental region
7 . Mentalis muscle (area of origin from mandible)
8 . Upper pointer: Inferior labial branches of mental nerve Lower pointer: Mentalis branch of mental nerve
9 . Mentum
10 . Superior labial artery
11 . Buccinator muscle
12 . Parotid duct (cut off)
13 . Zygomaticus muscle (cut across)
14 . Buccal nerve
15 . External maxillary artery
16 . Inferior labial artery and buccinator muscle
17 . Mandible
18 . Filaments of marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
19 . Mental foramen
20 . Origin of depressor labii inferioris muscle
21 . Digastric muscle and hyoid bone