Dissection of left infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae

Cavity of temporomandibular articulation, inferolateral view

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Image #65-7
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of left infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae
Cavity of temporomandibular articulation, inferolateral view
The inferior cavity of the temporomandibular joint has been fully exposed by removal of mandible. The joint cavity on the inferior surface of the articular disk is indicated by stipple in the drawing (3) but is not clearly visible in the view. It is not coextensive with the superior joint space which overlaps the lower cavity anteriorly but does not descend as far as posterior to the condyle of the mandible. The relation of the masseteric nerve (4) to the joint capsule is shown.
  1. Right pointer: Mandibular fossa (superior articular cavity) Left pointer: Tubercle of articulation
  2. Articular disc of mandible
  3. Inferior cavity of temporomandibular joint
  4. Masseteric nerve
  5. Greater wing of sphenoid (cut through)
  6. Anterior deep temporal nerve
  7. Auriculotemporal nerve (note communications between this nerve and the internal maxillary plexus)
  8. Remnant of pterygoid venous plexus
  9. Buccal nerve
  10. External pterygoid nerve
  11. Lingual nerve
  12. Deep posterior temporal artery
  13. Internal maxillary artery
  14. Internal maxillary nerve plexus
  15. Inferior alveolar nerve
  16. Mylohyoid nerve
  17. Area of insertion of internal pterygoid muscle
  18. External acoustic meatus
  19. Cartilaginous acoustic meatus
  20. Ceruminous gland
  21. Mastoid cells
  22. Auricular branch vagus nerve
  23. Joint capsule of mandible
  24. Deep auricular artery
  25. Styloid process
  26. Stylomastoid artery
  27. Superficial temporal artery
  28. Facial nerve (VII)
  29. Transverse facial artery and superior deep cervical lymph node
  30. Tendon of sternocleidomastoid muscle
  31. Sphenomandibular ligament
  32. Posterior auricular artery
  33. Posterior belly of digastric muscle
  34. External carotid artery