General orientation views of dissection

Superficial structures of head and neck; lateral view

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Image #49-1
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
General orientation views of dissection
Superficial structures of head and neck; lateral view
The skin has been removed and the subcutaneous connective tissue dissected to display nerves, blood vessels and the facial musculature. Close-up views of selected areas of this dissection are to be found as follows
  1. Parietal branch superficial temporal artery
  2. Branch of supraorbital nerve
  3. Frontalis muscle
  4. Branch frontal superficial temporal artery
  5. Anterior auricular muscle
  6. Zygomaticotemporal branch zygomatic nerve
  7. Orbicularis oculi muscle
  8. Zygomatico-orbital artery
  9. Zygomatic branches facial nerve
  10. Angular head levator labii superioris muscle
  11. Accessory parotid gland
  12. Buccal branch facial nerve
  13. Infraorbital head levator labii superioris muscle
  14. Zygomaticus muscle
  15. External maxillary artery
  16. Risorius muscle
  17. Orbicularis oris muscle
  18. Depressor anguli oris muscle
  19. Depressor labii inferioris muscle
  20. Mentalis muscle
  21. Platysma
  22. Galea aponeurotica
  23. Occipital artery
  24. Greater occipital nerve
  25. Occipital muscle
  26. Upper pointer: Auricularis superior muscle Lower pointer: Superficial temporal branches of auriculotemporal nerve
  27. Lesser occipital nerve
  28. Posterior auricular muscle
  29. Posterior auricular lymph nodes
  30. Parotid fascia
  31. Sterniocleidomastoid muscle (covered by superficial fascia)
  32. Branches lesser occipital nerve
  33. Branches of greater auricular nerve
  34. Greater auricular it
  35. Posterior cervical triangle
  36. Trapezius muscle (covered by superficial fascia)
  37. External jugular vein
  38. Acromion
  39. Deltoid muscle