Exploration of the brain from its basal aspect

Arteries of basal surface of brain

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Image #4-4
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Exploration of the brain from its basal aspect
Arteries of basal surface of brain
The vertebral and internal carotid arteries are visible as they reach the basal surface of the brain to enter into the formation of the arterial circle of Willis. A portion of the right temporal lobe has been cut away to reveal the middle cerebral artery with some of its branches deep in the lateral fissure. The optic chiasm is partially removed to display the anterior communicating artery. The internal auditory arteries are not clearly demonstrated in this specimen.
  1. Anterior communicating artery
  2. Anterior cerebral artery
  3. Middle cerebral artery
  4. Internal carotid artery (cut across)
  5. Choroidal artery (anterior)
  6. Posterior communicating artery
  7. Posterior cerebral artery
  8. Superior cerebellar artery (double on right, single vessel on left)
  9. Branch to pons from basilar artery
  10. Basilar artery
  11. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
  12. Vertebral artery
  13. Anterior spinal artery
  14. Olfactory tract left
  15. Straight gyrus
  16. Optic chiasm and optic tract
  17. Infundibulum and infundibular recess third ventricle
  18. Tuber cinereum
  19. Uncus
  20. Mamillary body
  21. Fissura collateralis
  22. Oculomotor nerve (III)
  23. Arachnoid (in situ)
  24. Cerebral peduncle
  25. Trochlear nerve (IV)
  26. Fusiform gyrus
  27. Trigeminal nerve (V)
  28. Pons
  29. Abducens nerve (VI)
  30. Facial nerve (VII)
  31. Middle cerebellar peduncle
  32. Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
  33. Flocculus
  34. Medulla oblongata
  35. Glossopharyngeal nerves (IX) and vagus (X); Choroid plexus fourth ventricle