Serial transverse sections of the brain stem

General orientation view.

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Image #29-1
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Serial transverse sections of the brain stem
General orientation view.
In this series of views of the brain, the brain stem has been cut transversely at successively higher levels and the cut surfaces stained with a dilute alcoholic solution of nile blue sulphate. By this means the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers become stained blue in contrast to gray matter which remains pale. (Note: connective tissue and blood vessels take on a dark color also.) In a general way the staining characteristics of the cut surface resemble those seen in sections stained by the Weigert method for microscopic study. Although detail here is diminished by the opacity of the tissue, the major features of the cut surface at each level are readily distinguished and these characteristics can be related to the gross features of the brain.
1 . Transverse cerebral fissure
2 . Arachnoid membrane bounding cerebellomedullary cistern
3 . Cuneate fasciculus
4 . Spinal (descending) trigeminal nucleus and lateral funiculus
5 . Pyramidal decussation
6 . Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), vagus nerve (X) and accessory nerve (XI)
7 . Rhinal fissure
8 . Uncus (hippocampal gyrus)
9 . Inferior temporal gyrus
10 . Lateral cerebral fissure
11 . Frontal pole
12 . Occipital pole
13 . Superior semilunar lobe (Crus I ansiform lobule)
14 . Horizontal cerebellar sulcus
15 . Inferior semilunar lobe (Crus II ansiform lobule)
16 . Biventral lobule (dorsal paraflocculus)
17 . Tonsil (ventral paraflocculus)
18 . Gracile nucleus
19 . Anterior column spinal cord (anterior horn)
20 . Olive
21 . Pyramid (medulla)
22 . Pons
23 . Tuber cinereum
24 . Optic chiasm
25 . Olfactory tract
26 . Orbital gyri
27 . Longitudinal fissure (cerebral)