Dissection of anterior aspect of vertebral column
Lumbar region.
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Image #221-2
Dissection of anterior aspect of vertebral column
Lumbar region.
The left quadratus lumborum muscle (20) has been exposed. The muscle has been dissected to trace incoming branches from the lumbar nerves that supply it. The psoas major has been detached from its spinal origins but has not been deflected.
- Kidney right
- Right diaphragmatic crus
- Intervertebral disc L. II - III
- Lumbar veins
- Lumbar artery
- Sympathetic trunk (pointer on lumbar ganglion)
- Ramus communicans
- Body of vertebral IV (pointer on anterior longitudinal ligament)
- Abdominal aorta
- Branch of subcostal nerve to quadratus lumborum
- Subcostal nerve
- Rib XII
- Diaphragm
- Upper pointer: Iliohypogastric nerve (cut off) Lower pointer: Ilioinguinal nerve (cut off)
- Branch of 1st lumbar nerve to quadratus lumborum
- Upper pointer: Muscular branch of lumbar artery Lower pointer: Branch of 2nd lumbar nerve to quadratus lumborum
- Tip of 12th costal cartilage
- Location of transverse process of vertebra L. III
- Psoas major muscle
- Quadratus lumborum muscle
- Branch of 4th lumbar nerve to quadratus lumborum
- Lateral femoral cutaneus nerve
- Quadratus lumborum muscle (lowest fascicle)