Dissection of anterior aspect of vertebral column
Thoracic region.
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Image #220-7
Dissection of anterior aspect of vertebral column
Thoracic region.
anterior longitudinal ligament sympathetic trunks
- Middle cervical ganglion (unusually large)
- Anterior scalene muscle (cut off)
- Brachial plexus
- Body of vertebra Th. I (covered by anterior longitudinal ligament)
- Right superior intercostal vein (cut off)
- Anterior longitudinal ligament (pointer on body of vertebra Th. IV)
- Sympathetic trunk
- Endothoracic fascia
- Intervertebral disc Th. IX - X
- Greater splanchnic nerve
- Upper pointer: Azygos vein Lower pointer: Inferior vena cava
- Longus colli muscle
- Stellate ganglion
- Middle scalene muscle
- Rib I (cut off)
- Rib III
- Costal pleura
- Posterior intercostal artery and vein VII
- Intercostal nerve VII
- Thoracic aorta