Dissection of thoracic and lumbosacral regions of back from a posterior approach

Nerve supply to serratus posterior superior muscle

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Image #212-7
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of thoracic and lumbosacral regions of back from a posterior approach
Nerve supply to serratus posterior superior muscle
The serratus posterior superior has been reflected laterally to expose branches of the first three intercostal nerves entering the deep surface of the muscle. The fourth intercostal nerve also sends a branch to the muscle, not shown in this view.
  1. Transverse colli artery
  2. Levator scapulae muscle
  3. Serratus posterior superior muscle (reflected)
  4. Medial margin of scapula
  5. Rhomboid minor muscle (cut off)
  6. Posterior scalene muscle
  7. Branches of thoracic nerve I, II and III (to serratus posterior superior muscle)
  8. Rib II
  9. External intercostal muscle
  10. Iliocostalis muscle