Arteries of vertebral column of one
Year-old infant - Arteries of cervicothoracic part of vertebral column, right anterolateral view
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Image #211-1
Arteries of vertebral column of one
Year-old infant - Arteries of cervicothoracic part of vertebral column, right anterolateral view
The arterial system of a one-year-old infant was injected with red acrylic plastic following which the soft tissues were corroded with potassium hydroxide. The specimen has been prepared to illustrate the arteries of the vertebral column and the relation of these vessels to the posterior portions of the ribs. Ossification of the vertebral bodies and neutral arches is incomplete. This preparation was made by Dr. Donald L. Stilwell, who kindly granted permission for those photographs to be recorded. The present view and the succeeding ones of this series illustrate various aspects of the vessels that supply the vertebral column.
- Transverse process of atlas
- Posterior arch of atlas
- Occipital artery
- Deep cervical artery
- Rib I
- Dorsal branch of posterior intercostal artery
- Upper pointer: Posterior intercostal artery II Lower pointer: Collateral branch posterior intercostal artery
- Dens (axis)
- Body of axis
- Vertebral artery (passing upward into transverse foramen)
- Body of vertebra C. VII (pointer on ossification center)
- Costocervical trunk
- Supreme intercostal artery
- Posterior intercostal arteries (from aorta)
- Body of vertebra Th. VI