
Radiograph of lumbar part of vertebral column, right lateral view

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #210-5
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Radiograph of lumbar part of vertebral column, right lateral view
The right iliac crest has not been included in the drawing. It is visible in the foreground of the view parallel to and below the left iliac crest (13). This film was obtained through the courtesy of Dr. Melvin J. Figley.
1 . Superior articular process vertebra L. II
2 . Inferior articular process vertebra L. I
3 . Pedicle (arch of vertebra) L. II
4 . Intervertebral articular cavity L. Il-III
5 . Spinous process vertebra L. III
6 . Intervertebral foramen
7 . Superior articular process of sacrum
8 . Median sacral crest
9 . Sacral canal
10 . Body of vertebra L. I
11 . Intervertebral disc L. II-III
12 . Residual droplet of radio-opaque material from previous myelographic examination
13 . Iliac crest (in background)
14 . Anterior superior iliac spine (in background)
15 . Promontory