Dissection of dorsolateral aspect of left foot and ankle

Superficial nerves and blood vessels of dorsum of foot

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Image #196-6
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of dorsolateral aspect of left foot and ankle
Superficial nerves and blood vessels of dorsum of foot
A margin of intact skin and tela subcutanea has been retained surrounding the area of the foot and ankle which has been dissected. The cutaneous nerves and superficial veins have been exposed by dissection of the tela subcutanea. The deep fascia has not been disturbed.
1 . Dorsal intermediate cutaneous nerve
2 . Dorsal medial cutaneous nerve
3 . Fascia of dorsalis pedis (overlying extensor digitorum brevis muscle)
4 . Tendons of extensor digitorum longus muscle (covered by fascia)
5 . Venous arch of dorsalis pedis
6 . Metatarsal veins of dorsalis pedis
7 . Lesser saphenous vein
8 . Lateral malleolus
9 . Sural nerve (continuing on foot as dorsal lateral cutaneous nerve)
10 . Tela subcutanea
11 . Venous network
12 . Dorsal digital nerves