Dissection of lateral aspect of left leg
Relation of common peroneal nerve to head of fibula, close-up lateral view
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Image #193-4
Dissection of lateral aspect of left leg
Relation of common peroneal nerve to head of fibula, close-up lateral view
The proximal end of the peroneus longus has been detached and reflected anteriorly to demonstrate the course of the common peroneal nerve (1) into the lateral compartment from the popliteal space. The division of the nerve into superficial (6) and deep (4) peroneal nerves is evident at this level.
- Common peroneal nerve
- Biceps femoris muscle (tendon of insertion)
- Head of fibula
- Deep peroneal nerve
- Muscular branch of superficial peroneal nerve
- Superficial peroneal nerve
- Peroneus longus muscle (reflected)
- Tibialis anterior muscle
- Medial sural cutaneous nerve
- Lesser saphenous vein
- Common peroneal branch
- Gastrocnemius muscle (reflected)
- Posterior intermuscular septum
- Soleus muscle