Dissection of anterior aspect of left leg

Deep peroneal nerve; nerve supply to extensor hallucis longus muscle, anterolateral view

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Image #192-6
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of anterior aspect of left leg
Deep peroneal nerve; nerve supply to extensor hallucis longus muscle, anterolateral view
The tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus muscles have been removed from the dissection. The extensor hallucis longus (9) has been elevated. Two branches of the deep peroneal nerve (8, 10) enter the muscle. The larger, upper branch passes between the anterior tibial artery and one of its accompanying veins in its course toward the muscle.
  1. Deep peroneal nerve
  2. Anterior tibial artery
  3. Tibia
  4. Tibialis anterior muscle (origin)
  5. Anterior tibial vein
  6. Anterior intermuscular septum
  7. Body of fibula (area of origin of peroneus longus muscle)
  8. Muscular branch of deep peroneal nerve (to extensor hallucis longus muscle)
  9. Extensor hallucis longus muscle (retracted laterally)
  10. Muscular branch of deep peroneal nerve (to extensor hallucis longus muscle)