Exploration of the brain from the medial aspect

Relations of fornix, dentate fascia and hippocampal gyrus to corpus callosum

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Image #19-1
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Exploration of the brain from the medial aspect
Relations of fornix, dentate fascia and hippocampal gyrus to corpus callosum
The specimen is the left half of a brain sectioned in the midsagittal plane. The brain stem has been removed by a cut through the thalamus and internal capsule. The trunk of the posterior cerebral artery together with its choroidal and hippocampal branches is likewise cut away. The meninges have been stripped off. The arched course of the fornix (16) around the cerebral peduncle and thalamus can be traced. The continuation of the dentate fascia (gyrus) via the fasciola cinerea into the supracallosal gyrus (induseum griseum) is apparent. Note that the hippocampal fissure also continues around the splenium to the upper side of the corpus callosum. Here it is known as the sulcus corporis callosi. The hippocampal gyrus (10) narrows posteriorly as the isthmus gyri fornicati and this in turn is continuous with the gyrus cinguli. The hippocampus is obscured by the fornix in this view.
  1. Supracallosal gyrus (induseum griseum)
  2. Corpus callosum (splenium)
  3. Stria terminalis
  4. Band of gray matter
  5. Limbic lobe
  6. Dentate fascia and choroidal fissure
  7. Hippocampal fissure
  8. Fornix (crus)
  9. Calcarine fissure
  10. Hippocampal gyrus
  11. Cerebral peduncle (cut across)
  12. Uncus (hippocampal gyrus)
  13. Anterior temporal branch of posterior cerebral artery
  14. Collateral fissure
  15. Corpus callosum (trunk)
  16. Corpus fornicis
  17. Head of caudate nucleus (view through an opening in septum pellucidum)
  18. Stria medullaris thalami and massa intermedia
  19. Cut surface of thalamus
  20. Free part of column of fornix
  21. Anterior commissure
  22. Lamina terminalis
  23. Subcallosal gyrus
  24. Anterior cerebral artery
  25. Choroidal artery (anterior)
  26. Internal carotid artery
  27. Posterior communicating artery