Exploration of the brain from the medial aspect

Lentiform nucleus partially removed; external capsule and striate arteries exposed

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.
For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #18-3
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Exploration of the brain from the medial aspect
Lentiform nucleus partially removed; external capsule and striate arteries exposed
The anterior half of the lentiform nucleus has been removed. Branches of the striate arteries which passed through the nucleus are preserved. The external capsule is exposed from its medial side.
  1. Radiation corpus callosum
  2. Internal capsule (cut across at junction with corona radiata)
  3. External capsule
  4. Striate arteries
  5. Anterior commissure
  6. Anterior perforated substance (dissected)
  7. Internal carotid artery (cut across)
  8. Superior longitudinal fasciculus
  9. Fibers from thalamus passing into superior occipitofrontal fasciculus
  10. Putamen (cut section)
  11. External medullary lamina and external division of globus pallidus
  12. Internal medullary lamina and internal division of globus pallidus
  13. Fornix (crus)
  14. Optic tract
  15. Optic chiasm