Angiogram, right lower limb of newborn infant
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Image #179-2
Angiogram, right lower limb of newborn infant
The arteries have been filled with thoratrast.
- Femoral artery
- Femur (diaphysis)
- Lateral superior genicular artery
- Femur (epiphysis)
- Medial genicular artery (branch of lateral superior genicular artery)
- Lateral inferior genicular artery
- Tibia (epiphysis)
- Anterior tibial recurrent artery
- Tibia (diaphysis)
- Anterior tibial artery
- Anterior lateral malleolar artery
- Lateral tarsal artery
- Dorsalis pedis artery
- Metatarsal bone
- Deep plantar branch of dorsalis pedis artery
- Dorsal metatarsal artery (two other dorsal metatarsal arteries lie laterally)
- Proximal phalanx
- Popliteal artery
- Sural artery
- Fibula
- Peroneal artery
- Posterior tibial artery
- Talus
- Ramus calcaneus branch of the posterior tibial artery
- Calcaneus
- Medial plantar artery
- Lateral plantar artery
- Arcus plantaris
- Plantar metatarsal artery (additional plantar metatarsal arteries parallel the labeled vessel)