
Right hip, anteroposterior view

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #178-1
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Right hip, anteroposterior view
This film of the right hip joint of a young man was obtained through the courtesy of Dr. Melvin J. Figley.
  1. Body of ilium
  2. Posterior margin of acetabulum
  3. Neck of femur
  4. Trochanteric fossa
  5. Greater trochanter
  6. Lesser trochanter
  7. Body of femur
  8. Acetabulurn
  9. Anterior margin of acetabulum (not as clearly defined as posterior margin)
  10. Fovea of head of femur
  11. Superior pubic ramus
  12. Obturator foramen
  13. Ischial tuberosity