Dissection of male pelvis from a lateral approach

Pelvic peritoneal cavity

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Image #170-4
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of male pelvis from a lateral approach
Pelvic peritoneal cavity
This view of the pelvic part of the peritoneal cavity in a male subject is inserted to accompany the views of dissections for the purpose of showing the relations of organs in an intact body.
  1. Ileum (retracted upward)
  2. Promontory
  3. Vermiform appendix (folded sharply upon itself)
  4. Upper pointer: Pararectal fossa Lower pointer: Sacral flexure of rectum
  5. Location of right ureter beneath peritoneum
  6. Medial umbilical fold
  7. Urinary bladder
  8. Descending colon
  9. Sigmoid colon
  10. Area of transition from descending colon to sigmoid colon
  11. Lateral umbilical fold
  12. Median umbilical fold