Female perineum
Superficial perineal space (continued).
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Image #157-4
Female perineum
Superficial perineal space (continued).
The bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles have been elevated to display perineal branches of the pudendal nerve that enter the deep surfaces of the muscles.
- Vaginal opening
- Deep perineal fascia
- Greater vestibular (Bartholin's) gland
- Perineal raphe
- External anal sphincter muscle
- Anus
- Superficial transverse perineal muscle
- Inferior rectal artery (cut off)
- Ischial tuberosity
- prepuce of clitoris
- Labium minus
- Ischiocavernosus muscle
- Crus of clitoris
- Inferior pubic ramus (covered by fibrous tissue)
- Bulbospongiosus muscle
- Nerves entering bulbospongiosus muscle
- Inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm (perineal membrane)
- Nerve entering ischiocavernosus muscle