Ligaments and joints of lumbosacral spine and pelvic girdle
Ligaments of coccygeal region, close-up posterior view
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Image #155-4
Ligaments and joints of lumbosacral spine and pelvic girdle
Ligaments of coccygeal region, close-up posterior view
- Dorsal branch of coccygeal nerve
- Dorsal branch of sacral nerve V
- Connecting ioop between fifth sacral nerve and coccygeal nerve
- Piriform muscle (transected)
- Sciatic nerve
- Lateral border of sacrum
- Inferior gluteal artery
- Internal pudendal vein (cut off)
- Upper pointer: Pudendal nerve Lower pointer: Internal pudendal artery
- Inferior rectal nerve
- Ischial spine (covered by fibers of coccygeus muscle)
- Coccygeus muscle (overlying sacrospinous ligament)
- Levator ani muscle (pointer on iliococcygeus muscle)
- Obturator internus muscle
- Upper pointer: Inferior rectal artery Lower pointer: Perineal artery
- Obturator fascia (reflected to expose perineal vessels and nerves in pudendal canal)
- Levator ani muscle (pointer on pubococcygeus muscle)
- Anococcygeal nerve
- Sacral horn
- Coccygeal horn
- Aperture for dorsal ramus of fifth sacral nerve
- Superficial dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament
- Upper pointer: Deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament Lower pointer: Sacrotuberous ligament
- Coccyx (terminal segment)
- Lunate fascia
- Inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm
- Anococcygeal ligament
- External anal sphincter muscle
- Anus