Dissection of male inguinal region and spermatic cord
Cremasteric fascia reflected; cremaster muscle
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Image #135-7
Dissection of male inguinal region and spermatic cord
Cremasteric fascia reflected; cremaster muscle
The aponeurosis of the external oblique (2) has been split upward from the superficial inguinal ring in a direction parallel to the inguinal ligament. The margins of the cut aponeurosis have been reflected to reveal the underlying fascia of the internal oblique which continues onto the spermatic cord as the cremasteric fascia (7). The cremaster muscle (5) has been displayed by division of the cremasteric fascia.
- Internal oblique muscle (covered by fascia)
- Aponeurosis external oblique muscle (divided and reflected)
- Ilioinguinal nerve
- Pubic tubercle
- Cremaster muscle
- Suspensory ligament of the penis
- Cremasteric fascia (incised and reflected)
- Anterior cutaneous branches femoral nerve
- Femoral artery (femoral sheath opened)
- Femoral vein
- Great saphenous vein (cut off)