Dissection of anterolateral abdominal wall
Nerve supply to external oblique muscle (continued)
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Image #133-4
Dissection of anterolateral abdominal wall
Nerve supply to external oblique muscle (continued)
The upper fascicles of the left external oblique muscle are shown in this close-up photograph. Nerves (3,4,6,14) which supply the muscle originate from lateral cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerves and enter the muscle from its external surface.
- Rib VI (covered by periosteum)
- Pectoralis major muscle (abdominal part, reflected)
- Muscular branch of lateral cutaneous branch thoracie nerve VI
- Muscular branch of lateral cutaneous branch thoracic nerve VII
- External oblique muscle
- Muscular branch of lateral cutaneous branch thoracic nerve VIII
- Aponeurosis external oblique muscle
- Serratus anterior muscle
- Fascia of serratus anterior muscle
- Lateral cutaneous branch thoracic nerve VII
- Rib VIII
- Lateral cutaneous branch thoracic nerve VIII
- Rib X
- Upper pointer: Lateral cutaneous branch thoracic nerve IX Lower pointer: Muscular branch 15. Latissimus dorsi muscle