Exploration of the brain from its lateral aspect

Insula exposed; branches of middle cerebral artery in situ

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Image #13-2
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Exploration of the brain from its lateral aspect
Insula exposed; branches of middle cerebral artery in situ
The frontal and temporal opercula of the lateral fissure have been cut back exposing the insula in the depths of the dissection. The main stem of the middle cerebral artery passes around the limen insulae into the lateral fissure and is seen just below the insula. The origins of nearly all of the cortical branches of this artery are visible in this preparation. The unsupported vessels lie in their original positions with respect to the lateral fissure and its tributary sulci.
  1. Frontal lobe
  2. Artery of precentral sulcus
  3. Cut surface of frontal operculum
  4. Insula
  5. Cut surface of orbital gyri
  6. Orbitofrontal branch of middle cerebral artery
  7. Lateral cerebral fissure
  8. Orbital gyri
  9. Central sulcus (of Rolando)
  10. Artery of central sulcus
  11. Artery of postcentral sulcus (anterior parietal branch of middle cerebral artery)
  12. Lateral cerebral fissure (Sylvian)
  13. Posterior temporal branch of middle cerebral artery
  14. Cut surface of temporal operculum
  15. Anterior temporal branch of middle cerebral artery