Dorsal aspect of right forearm
Nerve supply to anconeus muscle
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Image #107-4
Dorsal aspect of right forearm
Nerve supply to anconeus muscle
The anconeus (5) has been cut from its origin and reflected downward.
- Lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Triceps brachii muscle (tendon of insertion)
- Muscular branch of radial nerve (to anconeus muscle)
- Position of head of radius
- Anconeus muscle (reflected)
- Recurrent interosseous artery
- Ulna
- Brachialis muscle
- Biceps brachii muscle
- Deep branch of radial nerve
- Recurrent radial artery
- Radial artery
- Supinator muscle (superficial layer)
- Dorsal interosseous artery
- Supinator muscle (deep layer)