Exploration of the brain from its superior aspect

Interventricular foramina viewed from in front

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Image #10-6
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Exploration of the brain from its superior aspect
Interventricular foramina viewed from in front
The specimen is turned so that the direction of view is from the frontal pole. The position and relations of the interventricular foramina (of Monro) are demonstrated. Note
1 . Hippocampal commissure (cut through in midline)
2 . Crura of fornix
3 . Laminae affixae
4 . Corona radiata (partially dissected)
5 . Head of caudate nucleus
6 . Anterior horn lateral ventricle
7 . Genu corpus callosum (dissected parallel to fibers)
8 . Superior frontal gyrus (cut in horizontal plane)
9 . Anterior cerebral arteries lying within longitudinal fissure
10 . Caudate nucleus (tail)
11 . Anterior tubercle of thalamus
12 . Remnants of superior longitudinal fasciculus
13 . Interventricular foramen left (of Monro)
14 . Septum pellucidum (cut along line of attachment to corpus callosum)
15 . Superior occipitofrontal fasciculus
16 . Cingulum (cut across)
17 . Medial longitudinal stria right (cut off)