Exploration of the brain from its superior aspect

Right centrum semiovale

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Image #10-1
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Diagram Image
Legend Image
Exploration of the brain from its superior aspect
Right centrum semiovale
The right hemisphere has been cut horizontally just above the level of the body of the corpus callosum. The centrum semiovale is displayed and a number of important relationships of surface landmarks to deeper structures may be studied.
  1. Superior frontal gyrus
  2. Medial frontal gyrus
  3. Inferior frontal gyrus
  4. Dissected fibers of corpus callosum
  5. Caudate nucleus
  6. Septum pellucidum
  7. Insula (partially dissected)
  8. Emerging fibers of internal capsule
  9. Anterior tubercle of thalamus
  10. Choroid plexus lateral ventricle
  11. Lamina affixa
  12. Fornix (crus)
  13. Deepest fibers of corpus callosum (splenium)
  14. Inferior horn of lateral ventricle
  15. Cerebellum
  16. Lingual gyrus (cut across)
  17. Frontal pole
  18. Superior frontal sulcus
  19. Cingulate sulcus
  20. Cingulate gyrus (labeled at anterior and posterior limits, the gyrus being sectioned longitudinally between the points labeled)
  21. Inferior frontal sulcus
  22. Radiating fibers of internal capsule
  23. Cingulum
  24. Superior longitudinal fasciculus
  25. Lateral cerebral fissure (sylvian)
  26. Superior temporal gyrus
  27. Corpus callosum (splenium)
  28. Inferior parietal lobule (guide line in the area of confluence of the angular gyrus and the supramarginal gyrus)
  29. Superior temporal sulcus
  30. Precuneus and parieto-occipital fissure
  31. Occipital part corona radiata (the geniculocalcarine tract and various association fiber systems pass to the cortex of the occipital lobe through this area)
  32. Cuneus
  33. Lateral occipital gyri