Exploration of the brain from its superior aspect

Close-up view of lateral fissure and insula

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Image #9-2
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Exploration of the brain from its superior aspect
Close-up view of lateral fissure and insula
Further details in the region of the lateral fissure are shown in this close-up of the central area of the previous view. Note the several transverse temporal gyri, of which the anterior one (11) (Heschl's gyrus) is the most prominent. The superior longitudinal fasciculus which lies directly above the insula was of necessity cut away extensively to expose the underlying structures. The medial and lateral longitudinal striae (fiber tracts of the olfactory system) are clearly visible for most of their course across the upper surface of the corpus callosum.
  1. Surface of medial frontal gyrus
  2. Meninges and vessels of inferior frontal sulcus projecting from dissected margins of medial frontal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus
  3. Medullary substance of inferior frontal gyrus
  4. Sulcus circularis in depths of lateral fissure
  5. Frontal branch of middle cerebral artery
  6. Short insular gyrus
  7. Posterior temporal branch of middle cerebral artery
  8. Artery of precentral sulcus
  9. Cut end of great anastomotic vein (in edge of meninges)
  10. Artery of central sulcus
  11. Transverse temporal gyrus (Heschl)
  12. Transverse temporal sulcus
  13. Anterior and posterior parietal branches of middle cerebral artery
  14. Artery of angular gyrus (terminal branch of middle cerebral artery)
  15. Most posterior of transverse temporal gyri
  16. Cingulate gyrus (cut across)
  17. Cingulum (cut across)
  18. Frontal part corona radiata
  19. Superior longitudinal fasciculus
  20. Cingulate sulcus
  21. Lateral longitudinal stria
  22. Medial longitudinal stria
  23. Corpus callosum (trunk)
  24. Parietal part corona radiata
  25. Sulcus circularis